NHBC achieves better customer outcomes for vulnerable customers with cancer

NHBC colleagues standing in a group

Cancer Support UK created bespoke Vulnerable Customer Training for NHBC, the UK’s leading independent provider of warranty and insurance for new homes

A bespoke vulnerable customer training package developed by Cancer Support UK is helping NHBC’s Vulnerable Customer Champions deal confidently and sensitively with customers impacted by cancer

About the organisation

NHBC is the UK’s leading independent provider of warranty and insurance for new homes. Our purpose is to build confidence in the construction quality of new homes by assessing, inspecting and directly insuring homes registered with us. We continuously improve the quality of new homes and protect homeowners through our products, standards, and services. Independent of government and the construction industry, we have no shareholders and any profits we generate are reinvested in our core purpose of raising standards in housebuilding.

Key statistics

  • The number of vulnerable people in the UK, including those with a cancer diagnosis, is increasing.
  • More than 3 million people currently live with cancer, while 47% of adults have vulnerability characteristics ¹.
  • In the UK 24.9 million people have characteristics of vulnerability ² – this number continues to increase. Of that 24.9 million, one in two people (12.45 million) will unfortunately receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime ³.
New detached houses under construction

The purchase of a new-build home is a special moment.

The challenge

The purchase of a new-build home is a special moment. You’re buying a home built to a much higher specification than many older homes and you’re the first person to move in. So if something goes wrong with your new home and you need to make a claim, it can be deeply upsetting.

However, for those customers who are dealing with cancer, this can be devastating. For most of us our home is our safe place; even more so when we are unwell. When things go wrong at a time when you are already facing a life changing disease, a claim can be overwhelming.

Need for specialist training

NHBC identified a need for specialist training when frontline staff reported having difficulty talking to customers with cancer. Their own data revealed that, increasingly, health issues, such as cancer, were affecting their customers. Frontline colleagues lacked the knowledge to support these customers.

NHBC recognised that only by understanding their customers’ individual needs, would they be able to make adjustments during the claims journey in a way that best suits customers’ requirements.

“We want to give our customers a better experience, but we didn’t know how to help customers with cancer.” Hayley Perks, Head of Consumer Affairs at NHBC.

Smiling woman wearing a green jacket

Hayley Perks, Head of Consumer Affairs at NHBC, says: “The Vulnerable Customer training has given colleagues the confidence and knowledge to provide customers with effective support.

The solution

Understanding how cancer contributes to vulnerability is key to improving outcomes in the housing sector’s customer service provision.

Hayley Perks reached out to Cancer Support UK for guidance in training their Vulnerable Customer Champions (VCCs). These are specially trained team members who can help support and guide NHBC’s front-facing teams or take over cases where needed.

Working closely with NHBC, Cancer Support UK developed a bespoke vulnerable customer training module, with industry-specific scenarios, suitable for the VCCs. The course was informed by feedback from Cancer Support UK’s own Cancer Coach participants, as well as other organisations struggling to manage cancer-related conversations with customers.

The course that Cancer Support UK designed for NHBC included key elements such as:

  • bespoke industry-specific scenarios to ensure highly relevant learning with a practical application for the attendees who were able to put their new skills into practice in a safe and supportive environment.
  • cancer appropriate language
  • active listening
  • fostering empathetic conversations
  • self-care
  • signposting
  • physical and emotional effects of cancer
  • potential ongoing side effects, which customers are likely to be experiencing when they interact with customer service teams

The outcome

NHBC now has an effective framework that includes scenarios specific to their industry. In addition, all consumer facing staff have on-demand access to Cancer Support UK’s vulnerable customer E-learning module.

Hayley Perks says:

“Feedback from colleagues who have completed the training shows what a difference it has made. They’ve found it really useful learning about the different treatments available and what possible side effects people can experience from having cancer treatment. The training has given them the confidence and knowledge to provide these customers with effective support. It was vital to get the right training in place so that we can give our customers the best possible experience.”

“From the outset, Cancer Support UK understood what we were trying to achieve. They used their expertise and translated it into this tailored training for our VCCs, which will ultimately benefit our customers.

“The course was really informative, explaining what cancer is and how it is treated. The trainer provided highly practical information about how to respond when someone tells you they have cancer. The advice comes from people living with cancer, which makes it all the more powerful. It was a real eye-opener and definitely challenged our pre-conceptions about what it means to have cancer.”

Key benefits from the Vulnerable Customer training

  • Increased knowledge of cancer, cancer types, treatments and side effects.
  • Deeper understanding of the emotional impact of cancer, as well as the physical effects.
  • Develop confidence in how to speak to customers living with and beyond cancer, addressing common fears around difficult conversations.
  • Using interactive exercises, develop an understanding of how informed language can lead to an improved relationship between organisations and customers living with and beyond cancer.
  • Gain organisation-specific learning outcomes, using bespoke scenarios developed with Cancer Support UK to allow attendees to apply learning to specific customer circumstances.
  • Gain improved knowledge and confidence in how to support employees and colleagues after challenging conversations, with a focus on active listening and self-care.
  • Improved customer service and satisfaction.


“Working with Cancer Support UK has helped us better understand how we can support customers with cancer in the most appropriate way at each touchpoint. Hayley Perks – NHBC Head of Consumer Affairs

“I was pleased to have been asked to attend the Cancer Support UK training session. I found the session extremely well planned and well-paced, and felt that the level of information was appropriate. Within my role and as a vulnerability champion it is important that I feel equipped with the right tools and knowledge to be able to have open conversations with my customers and colleagues, and I feel this course was a great starting point to enable me to do this. Additionally, it’s given me the confidence to explore adjustments and to signpost appropriately. I would highly recommend this course, and would like to thank Cancer Support UK for their time and effort.”

Georgina Nelson – NHBC Complaint Handler & Vulnerable Customer Champion

“I found the Cancer Support UK training session really useful where we learnt about the different types of cancer people can unfortunately have. What I found particularly helpful was understanding the various side effects that people may experience whilst going through treatment for cancer, as previously my knowledge was fairly limited on this subject and I was only aware of the more common side effects, such as hair loss etc. Obtaining this level of information will really help me understand what customers, and colleagues, may be experiencing whilst they are going through cancer treatment and the impact that this can have on their daily lives and mental wellbeing. It will also help me to ask appropriate questions around any adjustments which may be needed to help our customers with their claim/complaint journey. The session was well delivered and the content was well thought out, being relevant to the needs of our roles as mental health first aiders & vulnerable customer champions.”

Katy Jopson – NHBC Complaint Consultant & Vulnerable Customer Champion

Key takeaways

One in two people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime (Cancer Research UK). This means that in addition to customers being affected by cancer, many staff members within an organisation will be either directly or indirectly impacted by cancer. When employers show they are striving to better understand and support people living with and beyond cancer, this not only improves the relationship with customers, but also internally with their staff.

Organisations need to ensure that staff have sufficient knowledge about cancer and to be able to refer customers on to specialised support as appropriate. More flexible policies need to be developed to help people affected by cancer manage mortgage repayments and other credit commitments.

Only with appropriate specialist cancer training can customer service teams ensure fair treatment and achieve positive outcomes for both the customer and their organisation.

Learn more about cancer-specific vulnerable customer training