Cancer Coach Digital
These online interactive modules are designed to support you with some of the common emotional challenges you may be facing post cancer treatment.
Below you can see what each of the modules contains. Where you see a pad and pen icon, this indicates an exercise, while an i symbol indicates an information section (see examples below)
To get the most out of Cancer Coach Digital, we would recommend going through the modules in order, beginning at the Introduction to Cancer Coach Digital. However, you are welcome to use the modules in whatever way you find most useful.
To access the modules, click on the images below.
1. Introduction to Cancer Coach Digital
Get started by learning what Cancer Coach Digital covers, how it can help you and how to use the modules.
2. Why do we feel the way we do?
Learn about some of the common emotions people experience post cancer treatment to start to explore your emotions.
3. Setting aside time to grieve
Explore the things you may have lost as a result of your diagnosis and learn about an exercise which can help you to process these feelings.
4. Keeping a thought diary
Use the thought diary to help you better identify, break down and understand the worrying thoughts you may be experiencing post treatment.
5. Types of Thinking and Thought Challenging
Explore some of the common thought patterns you may fall into and try an exercise which can help you to challenge these thoughts.
6. Common relationship themes after cancer
Learn more about how relationships of all kinds can be impacted by the ongoing challenges of cancer.
7. The Worry Tree
Use the Worry Tree to support you in breaking down post treatment emotional concerns into smaller parts, helping you to identify next steps.
8. Scheduling Worry Time
Try this exercise on scheduling time to focus on the things you are worrying about with the aim of helping you to feel more in control of these worries.
9. Relaxation and Breathing Techniques
Practice these calming breathing techniques to help you with stress, anxiety or panic.
10. Goal Setting and My Goal Setting
Learn about how to set achievable and realistic goals for yourself post-treatment.
11. My Future Plan
Create a future plan for yourself, drawing together everything you have learned and identifying how you can put in into practice moving forwards.
12. Useful Resources and Keeping In Touch
Access other resources which you may find useful to support you moving forwards, find out how to keep in touch and learn about the other support services we offer.