Cancer Coach, a range of free cancer support services to help you move on with your life post cancer treatment

Not quite feeling how you expected to after cancer, and wondering if that's normal?

You’ve just been through a very traumatic period in your life. From the moment you spotted worrying symptoms, you might feel as though you’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster.

Having successfully completed treatment, you were probably hoping the recovery journey would be more straightforward, but it’s possible that you’re not quite feeling how you expected to.

Most people imagine that they’ll feel relieved and that life will get back to how it was before.

In reality, the initial joy they experience when they’re first told their cancer treatment has worked, and that there’s no longer any evidence of disease, can quickly give way to feelings of loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and even guilt.

If you’re wondering whether what you’re going through is normal, it is, and you’re definitely not alone.

Cancer Coach course dates for 2025

– 10 March to 18 April (Final booking date: 28 February 2025)

– 12 May to 20 June (Final booking date: 2 May 2025)

– 14 July to 22 August (Final booking date: 4 July 2025)

– 8 September to 17 October (Final booking date: 29 August 2025)

– 3 November to 12 December (Final booking date: 24 October 2025)

While there can be relief when cancer treatment comes to an end, the weeks and months that follow can be far from straightforward. Many people who have experienced cancer can feel isolated, and struggle with low mood or anxiety, finding it hard to deal with what they have been through.

Signs that you may need some emotional support after cancer treatment has finished

The way you’re feeling could be an indicator that you need some support to help you adjust to your new normal as you recover from cancer.

For instance, it’s very common to find yourself worrying about the possibility of your cancer returning, and having to go through the whole experience again.

It can be debilitating if you don’t find a way to deal with it. If you’re familiar with that constant fear, you may already be thinking about accessing support.

Even if you find yourself feeling a bit “different” or a bit “off”, we would encourage you to have a conversation with our Cancer Coach team about the type of support you can receive through the Cancer Coach programme.

Thinking about the last few weeks:

  • Have you struggled to focus on any daily tasks?
  • Have you felt overwhelmed by the constant fear of the cancer returning?
  • Have you found yourself avoiding social situations?
  • Are you having difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep?
  • Have you found it difficult to talk to close family about how you’re feeling?

Changes, like these, in your behaviours and others, can be a sign that you’re suppressing or not acknowledging your feelings, and that your emotional wellbeing needs some attention.

Our three free Cancer Coach services might be just what you need. Choose from: Cancer Coach peer group support (online and over the phone), Cancer Coach digital and Cancer Coach Focus Forwards (both online).

If you’re not feeling quite how you expected to after completing cancer treatment, or how you’d like to, or if you’ve noticed changes in your behaviours that you’re not comfortable with, you might benefit from our emotional support services.

Cancer Coach peer group support

Our Cancer Coach peer support groups take place every week for six weeks either online or over the phone, allowing you to take part from the comfort of your own home.

If you join a Cancer Coach group, you’ll meet other participants who are just like you. They’ve all had cancer and finished treatment, and are now trying to move forwards with life, but need some help working through their emotions.

Your Cancer Coach peer support group will be facilitated by one of our expert Cancer Coaches, and together you’ll explore new ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that will help you on your way.

Cancer Coach Digital

Cancer Coach Digital is our  interactive e-Learning digital programme, which is designed to support those experiencing some of the common emotional challenges post cancer treatment. Cancer Coach Digital consists of 12 individual modules, which cover topics such as setting aside the time to grieve, types of thinking, relaxation and breathing techniques. It is ideal for anyone who requires more flexibility and privacy, allowing them to either complete the entire six week Cancer Coach peer support group programme in their own time or to select specific modules that appeal most.

Cancer Coach Focus Forwards

Cancer Coach Focus Forwards is a one-hour interactive workshop designed to help anyone who has completed their cancer treatment move forward with confidence. During this 60-minute Zoom session, our experienced Cancer Coach facilitator will share common post-treatment emotions, as well as offering personal insight through their own experience. There is the opportunity to ask questions and participants are taught a valuable exercise to help manage anxiety and emotions.

If you think Cancer Coach support is right for you, click below to sign-up and join a peer support group or to try Cancer Coach Digital.

Julie joined a Cancer Coach group, here's what she said about the help it gave her

“I felt family and friends could not possibly understand when I didn’t understand either. I felt that once you finished treatment that was it, nothing, zero, on your own to figure it out. Thankfully Cancer Support UK was available.”

Ready to embrace the benefits of Cancer Coach by joining one of our free cancer support groups?

Learn new coping skills that can help you deal with overwhelming emotions and move forwards as you recover from cancer.

Sign-up to our Cancer Coach programme and join a cancer support group today.

  • Free
  • Confidential
  • Group coaching
  • Peer support
  • Online or over the phone
  • Same time each week for six weeks

Cancer Coach is for anyone aged 18 or over, with a primary cancer diagnosis (stage 1-3), and who has completed physical treatment. While Cancer Coach is designed to support you with your wellbeing after finishing your cancer treatment, it is important to be aware that the sessions are not carried out on a one-to-one basis or in-person, and are not a form of psychological counselling.

How to Get Started

Step 1

Simply apply here.

Step 2

We will be in touch to check the programme is suitable for your needs and to give you further information.

Step 3

Join a group and start the programme. It’s free and takes place once a week, for six weeks, either on the phone or via online video.

Step 4

Tell us what you think so we can always improve.