Cancer Support UK’s CEO Mark Guymer welcomes the call for reform in Lord Darzi’s independent review of the NHS, in particular the acute need for improved mental health support
Charities face increasing demands
Lord Darzi’s independent review into the NHS provides very few surprises to charities such as Cancer Support UK, which are facing constantly increasing demands on their services to support better mental health for post-treatment cancer patients. What is of greater interest is the positioning of a new government who are using the findings to call for reform, in part driven by the use of data and technology.
Mental health support
The Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer spoke about the unacceptable situation and high costs of 345,000 people on waiting lists of more than one year to receive any support for their mental health.
There was also much talk of the 2.8 million adults currently not working due to some form of long-term illness. This places an overwhelming burden on our already stretched health care systems and are a huge cost to our society as a whole – which affects everybody.
Data and technology the way forward
The report highlights the need to move towards technology as a means of unlocking productivity. By supporting more people off waiting lists and back into work, we will contribute to the nation’s prosperity.
Cancer Support UK’s digital service launch
Therefore, it is extremely timely that this month we are announcing an extension of our current Cancer Coach service in the form of new and innovative digital services, which will expand the emotional support we provide to people when they have completed their physical cancer treatment.
Cancer Coach is one of our most highly regarded services. It provides valuable peer group support and tools to those who have completed their physical cancer treatment, but who need further emotional support.
Our new Cancer Coach Digital programme and Cancer Coach Focus Forwards one-hour session will, we hope, help to meet the unmet needs of thousands of cancer patients, reducing the time that people take to recover, helping them back into work and to continue to live a better life following their diagnosis.
Unmet emotional needs of cancer patients
The last major survey on emotional support for cancer patients showed that 78% of cancer patients had unmet emotional needs. So based on nearly 400,000 people diagnosed each year, that would mean over 300,000 people a year are in need of emotional support.
Of the estimated 3.5 million people in the UK with a cancer diagnosis, that would mean over 2.7m people have some kind of unmet emotional need.
Impact on productivity from people on sick leave
A near record 2.8 million people are now out of work due to long-term sickness. We know that by the end of this decade that 1.15 million people of working age will have a cancer diagnosis.
We believe we can make a significant difference to the lives of individuals affected by cancer, through the expansion of our Cancer Coach service. It is our joint ambition to help these people to live a good life and to reduce the burden they place on our healthcare system.
Making a positive difference
We have always used data. We use it to measure impact and to ensure that the services we develop are making a positive difference. Through feedback from our service users, we know that our Cancer Coach programme reduces the feelings of loneliness for 90% of participants. At least 88% of participants reported an improvement in their overall wellbeing and we are very proud that 100% of participants would recommend this service to someone else.
Lived experience is key
This insight proved that a service designed by experts, along with those with lived experience does make a real difference. However, to reach the 10,000 individuals who could benefit from this service every year, we knew we needed to innovate further. It was about understanding the audiences we weren’t reaching, serving and how to scale cost effectively.
About Cancer Support UK’s new digital services
Cancer Coach digital
Our new interactive Cancer Coach e-Learning digital programme is designed to support some of the common emotional challenges faced by people who have completed their cancer treatment. It is ideal for anyone who requires more flexibility and privacy, allowing them to complete the entire six week Cancer Coach programme in their own time. Cancer Coach Digital focuses on the feelings, thoughts and emotions people experience as they move into the recovery phase. The exercises in Cancer Coach digital are designed to provide support while working through emotions in a structured way. Cancer Coach Digital consists of 12 individual modules which cover topics such as setting aside the time to grieve, types of thinking, relaxation and breathing techniques. Participants can choose to undertake the entire programme, or alternatively select specific modules that appeal most. Try Cancer Coach Digital here. https://cancersupportuk.org/cancer-coach-digital/
Cancer Coach Focus Forwards one-hour session
Cancer Coach Focus Forwards is a one-hour Zoom session designed to help someone who has completed cancer treatment move forward with confidence. It’s ideal for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed, isolated, or uncertain about the future. These emotions are common while navigating life post-treatment and discovering a “new normal.”
During the session, our experienced Cancer Coach team will:
- Share common post-treatment emotions to help participants feel understood
- Offer insights from a Cancer Coach who will share their personal story and experiences supporting others
- Provide an opportunity for Q&A with our Coach, helping participants feel more connected and less alone
- Teach a powerful exercise to help manage anxiety and emotions, so participants feel more in control of their life
Forthcoming dates
Wednesday, 25 September, 1pm-2pm – Register here
Wednesday, 2 October, 7pm-8pm – Register here