Thank you for helping people with cancer

Julia's Story

Julia’s cancer journey began in May 2021, when she was told she had breast cancer and needed a mastectomy. After recovering from an infection following the operation, she embarked on five months of chemotherapy and three weeks of radiotherapy, and also endured a hysterectomy following another complication. After treatment ended, there were days when the thought of the cancer returning became all consuming, like a sword permanently hanging over her head.

Cancer Coach helped her deal with the aftermath of her many treatments, and showed her that she wasn’t alone.

The course takes participants through a series of weekly facilitated group sessions, run for a six-week period over the telephone or online video. Participants benefit from the peer support of the sessions, as well as learning tools and techniques for improving emotional wellbeing, which can help them on their recovery journey. The course is free, completely confidential and accessible from the comfort and privacy of home.


If you’d like to find out more about Cancer Coach, please click here to find out more.