Please join us in congratulating Charlotte Poulter on her well-deserved promotion from Cancer Coach Manager to Head of Service.
Charlotte’s hard work has ensured the success of the Cancer Coach service, building positive working relationships with participants, volunteers, partners, stakeholders and the voluntary sector.
Thanks to Charlotte’s skill and commitment the Cancer Coach service continues to develop as a significant and valued support resource for anyone living beyond cancer.
Charlotte is a worthy successor to the late Anna James, who previously headed the service.
In her new role Charlotte will continue to develop the scale of Cancer Coach, working with the team to ensure that we reach all those who would benefit from taking part, as well as leading on new service developments to deliver comprehensive support for post treatment emotional recovery.
Charlotte has worked in the charity sector for a number of years with a particular focus on volunteer coordination.
Before joining Cancer Support UK, Charlotte worked for a disability support charity, running volunteer lead community projects to support disabled adults to live and work independently.
In addition to the charity sector, Charlotte has previously worked in the NHS, coordinating volunteers in providing support services for patients to improve emotional wellbeing.
“Over the last few years as part of the Cancer Coach team, I have seen time and time again the transformative power of peer support. It is so rewarding to see those who access our services coming together and supporting one another, with the guidance of their facilitator, sharing their experiences and proactively engaging with post-treatment challenges. As Head of Service I will continue to strive to make Cancer Coach available to all who would benefit, working to ensure that no one faces life after cancer alone.” says Charlotte.
“We continue to see Cancer Coach go from strength to strength, supported by our wonderful Cancer Coach facilitators who give their time and skill to lead the groups. They are an essential part of the fantastic team we have at Cancer Support UK, a team whose commitment and passion to support those living with and beyond cancer is truly making a difference.”
In her spare time, Charlotte enjoys hiking and salsa dancing. She has also successfully adopted a stray cat, Blocks, who arrived in the garden one sunny afternoon, was nursed back to health and is now part of the family.
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